Friday, November 1, 2019

The King

Just watched " The King" on Netflix.

Yes, first thing this morning.

Yes, it is a mixture of Shakespeare's Henry IV and Henry V.

It is more based on Shakespeare than the actual history during the Hundred Years War. 

That said, it doesn't give either Henry IV or V its due justice.

It is spectacular in it's cinematic scope....However....

For the longest it dragged...And dragged....

It has  Falstaff who Shakespeare had as a  jovial, I don't give a damn person....Instead the movie has him as a hipster, all depressed and sad, and much of the time, hard to understand.

Henry V in reality was a bloodthirsty character played into a PC type modern character by the movie.

And Robert Patterson has the French Dauphin(  Prince, the oldest son of the French King) was awful. It was like a caricature...It was hard to watch

There were so many mistakes in both history and in Shakespeare, I had a hard time getting through it...

The only way I would suggest you watching it is if you sitting around and can't find anything else to watch.

Two out of Five stars...

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