Dread, Dread, Dread........
So, I was informed by the "person I sleep with" that I am going on a cruise later this Summer....
Kerry Don Thomas don't do no damn boats.
I barely will get in a fishing boat in the Neches or Toledo Bend.
And my favorite place in the world is on an island.....
But.....A damn boat.....
And I'll fly anyplace.
Been across the Atlantic at least 12 times to Europe and the Middle East and back home. ( Heck, that included the Mediterranean. )
Been across the Pacific to East Asia.
Been to islands in the Caribbean.
Been across the Gulf of Alaska.
And while the concept of being in an aluminum tube hurling across the sky at 39,000 feet throws fear into many people, I love it......I figure if I crash into sea, well, I was foreordained to go that way, and in truth, can't think of a cooler way to go....
Hell, I've seen both of the movies about the Titanic. That's the last way I want to go. ( BTW- Sorry ladies, the last Titanic was not about love, it was about adultery. Most romance moves are.....Bridges of Madison County? The English Patient? I can name about 60 movies....)
Then the cruise is to Alaska.....
Many of you know, the last time we were in Alaska, my father passed away....And my 94 year old mother is still with us.
Grandma( Mom) is doing well, still drives, but still, at 94, you never know....
That said, they do have " Formal Nights" and already looking at ordering myself a white dinner jacket.
And the boat stops in Juneau, and I'm trying to see as many state capitol buildings as I can before I die.....There at pictures of me standing on the steps of capitol building(s) in both Montpelier, Vermont, and Olympia, Washington.....I've even sat in on the Louisiana House in session...Touched the bullet holes in the wall where Gov. Huey P. Long was assassinated by Dr. Carl Weiss.
Oh well, I guess it is, what it is.....