Friday, March 21, 2025

Dread, Dread, Dread.....

 Dread, Dread, Dread........

So, I was informed by the "person I sleep with" that I am going on a cruise later this Summer....

Kerry Don Thomas don't do no damn boats. 

I barely will get in a fishing boat in the Neches or Toledo Bend.  

And my favorite place in the world is on an island.....

But.....A damn boat.....

And I'll fly anyplace. 

Been across the Atlantic at least 12 times to Europe and the Middle East and back home. ( Heck, that included the Mediterranean. )

Been across the Pacific to East Asia. 

Been to islands in the Caribbean.  

Been across the Gulf of Alaska. 

And while the concept of being in an aluminum tube hurling across the sky at 39,000 feet throws fear into many people, I love it......I figure if I crash into sea, well, I was foreordained to go that way, and in truth, can't think of a cooler way to go....

Hell, I've seen both of the movies about the Titanic. That's the last way I want to go. ( BTW- Sorry ladies, the last Titanic was not about love, it was about adultery. Most romance moves are.....Bridges of Madison County? The English Patient? I can name about 60 movies....) 

Then the cruise is to Alaska.....

Many of you know, the last time we were in Alaska, my father passed away....And my 94 year old mother is still with us. 

Grandma( Mom) is doing well, still drives, but still, at 94, you never know....

That said, they do have " Formal Nights" and already looking at ordering myself a white dinner jacket. 

And the boat stops in Juneau, and I'm trying to see as many state capitol buildings as I can before I die.....There at pictures of me standing on the steps of capitol building(s) in both Montpelier, Vermont, and Olympia, Washington.....I've even sat in on the Louisiana House in session...Touched the bullet holes in the wall where Gov. Huey P. Long was assassinated by Dr. Carl Weiss.  

Oh well, I guess it is, what it is.....



Thursday, March 20, 2025

Okay Buna...Again...I Hope for the Last Time.....And I Know I'm Lying....

 Was told by two former student that I am quite fond of not to do this, but the farther I get away from actually teaching in the classroom at Buna High, well, new folks to the community do not know who I am...

Yes, I appreciate the people jointing the blog group The Govteach Part Deaux ..... It is separate from the Kerry Thomas' Facebook site. And I do not blame people for not going onto my normal FB lunacy. The blog is lunacy enough....Sometimes. 

Again, I've been away from teaching " gubmint" and economics at Buna that there are people who do not have a clue who I am. 

Yes, I taught senior government and economics at Buna for a number of years. 

Yes, I actually studied in a divinity school to become a clergyman, and yes, an outlaw denomination with ties to the Church of Scotland still has me ordained. 

This blog is a " Buyer Beware." 


I often cuss....Badly. 

Yes, I like Scotch and Irish whiskey. 

At one time, I really liked cigars, but as I have grown older, not so much now. That said, I saw Malcolm Guite smoking a pipe on YouTube, and well, man, that looked good. I smoked one as an undergrad. 

I love clothes. So much so, I have 3 closets here at the house full of suits, sports coat, blazers, shirts, pants, etc....And yes, I call myself a fop, a dandy. I own over 100 ties. I can tie over 20 knots, but normally, I am lazy and do either a coachman's or oriental knot. Yes, I can tie a bow tie.

I am a bit of an Anglophile, Scotophile, Hibernophile.....That said, I have a good dose of Coonass in me and love the Gumbo, Étouffée, Rice and Gravy........Yes, I can make a roux from scratch. It's sort of like therapy. While stirring, you can work out your problems.....

The above said, my wife and I have traveled to the UK 4 times in recent years, and the last 2 evenings, we talked about going back to Scotland..... Rent that car and drive on the left....

Okay, if you are new to the blog, and there are several of you.....I try and write mostly about Buna, Buna ISD,( Mostly the school district) and South Jasper County here on the blog. Sometimes news, sometimes opinion....And sometimes, well, Thomas has jumped the rails and is writing on whatever....I'm looking hard at writing why men do not go to church, especially younger guys. This includes me. ( I ain't young) And so much happier not going....And I have no fear of making fun of church, churches, ministers.

I'm looking hard at starting a second blog on nothing but economics, but, the rules, the technical "stuff" has changed so much since I started the original blog, well, I may have to get my son to help me set it up. ( I am old and learning new stuff well, is not as easy as it once was, and my child has a M.S. in a computer field from UT) Same goes with starting a vlog on YT. Sort of afraid it'll get out of control. 

We welcome new folks to the blog. Get ready, I'll let you know what I really think, and often say stuff you can't. 

Again, thanks for reading....And as always, help the algorithm, like the blog on Facebook. 



Tuesday, March 18, 2025

FLASH- News From Buna Schools....

 I am showing my age. And the fact I studied history .....At one time in this country, world there were two major American news agencies. Or, as they were called back in the day when both still used the telegraph, wire services. 

Both did international news. 

The Associated Press and The United Press International. The AP and the UPI. 

When there was big news such as JFK's assassination, or  the end of WWII. The UPI would put on their wire the term.....FLASH.....And of course, very little is left of the UPI.

Okay, you've had your history lesson for the day.... 

Last evening the Buna ISD Board of Trustees AKA as the School Board met in what I was told was an almost 3 hour meeting. 

Last night, two building administrators( Principal, Asst. Principal) were put on probation. And this means that they will be put on a growth plan. 

Now I have fucked up before......Fucked up royally.....Sometimes I fucked up so bad I expected to get fired. And I ain't going to lie, I've fucked up before, on purpose, just to push that envelope. ( As I've said many times before, I fully expected to be fired by Buna ISD, I came planning to stay 1 year, and wound-up staying 20.)

All this said, in 31 years of teaching, and jumping from one pile of shit to another.....I never was put on probation....

I know there have been a number of people unhappy with these administrator(s).  Both parents and faculty. There are teachers who have left, and others, who are looking to leave because of them. 

In other news, many of the roles assumed by the Asst. Supt. of Finance were given back to the Supt. of Schools. ( This sounds like something the new Supt of Schools requested, I could be wrong, but it sounds like it.) 

Also, previously, the Supt. of Schools was allowed to spend $100,000 of taxpayer money without asking the Board of Trustees. That amount has been dropped to $50,000. ( The new Supt. of Schools told the board she'd ask them before spending that amount.....So far, I'm liking this new Supt.) 

Man, sounds like the new board and the new Supt. of Schools have " Hit the ground running.." 

With the changes coming in Texas education, it looks like they understand that ISDs are going to need to become a little more customer friendly.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Watch Out Today.....

 I am writing this at 3:30AM......

Watch the markets today folks. 

I know a lot of people " Bought the Dip" on Friday, at least the " Retail" folks in the market. Retail is the regular person in the market, not the professional stock buyer. 

Already the futures look rough this morning. And if the machines get involved like they did last week, well, it could get bad. ( Folks using AI/machines set to sell, buy when the market hits a certain level.)

And when earning coming, well, I am concerned. Like I said yesterday, the numbers on Nissan, and Stellantis look bad. ( Chrysler, Dodge, Ram, Jeep is Stellantis.  The Europeans are now in control of this company if you didn't know. Especially the French-Italians. I look for CDRJ to be a shell of its self sooner rather than later.)

Get ready, could be a rough week. 

Bonds are looking better and better. Hell, I've even looked at agricultural commodities.  

Hope I am wrong....

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning on people's buying habits, especially at the 7-11, Circle K, convenience type stores. 

I know to buy gas, we all stop at these type stores. Where else you going to get it? A truck stop? Which is just a bigger convenience type store. Often with a Burger King or Wendy's inside. 

Sales inside these stores are down 4.3%. That's big for these type businesses. 

- Refrigerated products are down 7%

- Chocolate candy like Snickers, Almond Joy, Hersey bars are down 7%.

- Part of the problem the average consumer is saying things like a large bag of Doritos is like $7 now. 

- People who bought a carton of cigarettes in the past are just buying one pack....And making them last. 

Most folks get back into their car and keep on going once they pump their gas. 

In an attempt to get people back inside, companies like Pepsico are developing Doritos with warm nacho cheese and other toppings.... Smuckers , the jelly/jam company now owns Hostess and they are coming out with a limited edition cherry flavored Twinkie in the near future. Smuckers is also pushing their crust-less sandwiches. ( On YouTube, they've been advertising " Uncrustibles" like crazy.....That said, I still don't want to buy one.)

It seems the only thing that is bulletproof are lottery tickets. There is no change in the American population thinking they're going to be the next millionaire.  

I know here, I am see more and more HEB chips, and soft drinks...And if you've not tried them, they're pretty good, especially the HEB "Pure Cane Sugar" Cola. It's pretty darn good....

So, the question of the day is this.....How much have you stopped buying incidentals, or treats? Are you still getting a " Big Gulp" from you local 7-11 type store? ( I can't remember the last time I bought a fountain drink.) 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Boys, Mens, Don't Do This.....

 And if you already have, well, we will try and get you straightened out. 

This past week on my YouTube, the following videos have popped up on Hugo Jacomet's site, AskOkay's site, the Gentleman's Gazette. 

And it concerns you having a black suit. 

Especially if you buy it as your first suit.  

Now I know this is SE Texas, and well, people just don't dress up. I understand this, however, if for some reason you decide to get a suit, please, don't do this.....

A Black Suit....

If we lived in Victorian or even Edwardian England in the late 1800s, early 1900s, the color of men's frock coat, or business coats was black.....But by the 1950s, this changed dramatically. 

Black Suits were seen to be worn by people in mourning...

And if you are funeral director or undertaker, or you are in the funeral business, well black is an appropriate color. 

Men, boys, and ladies,( if ladies,  you're shopping for your BF, husband, dad, brother, etc...... ) your first suit , should be navy....and if you get a second suit, charcoal grey. 

A basic navy suit will work for anything. A job interview, work in an office,  a wedding, a funeral, a night on the town. 

And if you just cannot stand a navy suit, get the charcoal grey. It'll work...

Please, make it a solid, don't be like me and more and more of my suits are pinstripes( Economics Teacher. The banking community first started wearing pinstripes, and it symbolizes commerce today.) or I have a khaki suit with a blue Prince of Wales check. ( I am dying to wear that one to a wedding. )

Sorry, couldn't do economics today and to be honest may take the next two days off from blogging. ( Unless something big happens, like a UFO lands in the middle of Hwy96 in front of Black Gold for some BBQ.)


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Them Decisions, Them Decisions.....And Tuesday Morning's Economics....

 There is a joke behind the title, one of which, is now not good for polite society.....But, was often told in old Southern Baptist pulpits....But today? I would not go there....

But I got decisions.....

I received an invitation this morning, via, email for my 50th High School Reunion...

Class of 1975 Vidor High....50 years ago this coming May.......It doesn't seem that long ago....It seems like an an eternity.....That old " Best of times, worst of times"idea......

And the venue they have chosen is not that far from my house.   

And they do want $50 for me to show up....Trouble is, I am tight, tight with a dollar. I'd rather spend about £50 quid in a pub drinking Rev. James Ale talking with the UK locals. 

It is not until the end of June, so I have time to decide.  

I'm leaning a hard " No." Unless I was in the band, I never associated with these people when I was in school. Especially high school, and unlike Buna, there were 3 different elementaries funneling into the secondary schools, and the kids from the other two schools, well, never really associated with them. ( Plus, my graduating class was right at 400.)

I am looking at a " Hard Pass." And not go....I've not seen these people in 50 years, why now? 

- On to the economy....

The futures this morning have a modest gain on the Dow. Looking at various amounts since I got up, the NYSE is up around +100...This after losing almost -900 yesterday.  

Yesterday the stock markets lost $4 trillion in value. 

This morning the so called experts are talking about a " Credible threat of recession."

I think we are there. 

Southwest Airlines announced no 2 free checked bags starting May 28th.....Got to make a dollar, somehow....

When the tariffs finally go into effect, the companies will raise prices, even the prices on products they have had for a while.....Trouble is, the consumer can't buy their products now. go up on prices? They will substitute goods, or do without.  And force the businesses to cut prices in an attempt to stay in business. 

And if no one is buying goods and services, this will mean there will be cuts in workers. But how much?

Dread, Dread, Dread.....

 Dread, Dread, Dread........ So, I was informed by the "person I sleep with" that I am going on a cruise later this Summer.... Ker...