I am showing my age. And the fact I studied history .....At one time in this country, world there were two major American news agencies. Or, as they were called back in the day when both still used the telegraph, wire services.
Both did international news.
The Associated Press and The United Press International. The AP and the UPI.
When there was big news such as JFK's assassination, or or the end of WWII. The UPI would put on their wire the term.....FLASH.....And of course, very little is left of the UPI.
Okay, you've had your history lesson for the day....
Last evening the Buna ISD Board of Trustees AKA as the School Board met in what I was told was an almost 3 hour meeting.
Last night, two building administrators( Principal, Asst. Principal) were put on probation. And this means that they will be put on a growth plan.
Now I have fucked up before......Fucked up royally.....Sometimes I fucked up so bad I expected to get fired. And I ain't going to lie, I've fucked up before, on purpose, just to push that envelope. ( As I've said many times before, I fully expected to be fired by Buna ISD, I came planning to stay 1 year, and wound-up staying 20.)
All this said, in 31 years of teaching, and jumping from one pile of shit to another.....I never was put on probation....
I know there have been a number of people unhappy with these administrator(s). Both parents and faculty. There are teachers who have left, and others, who are looking to leave because of them.
In other news, many of the roles assumed by the Asst. Supt. of Finance were given back to the Supt. of Schools. ( This sounds like something the new Supt of Schools requested, I could be wrong, but it sounds like it.)
Also, previously, the Supt. of Schools was allowed to spend $100,000 of taxpayer money without asking the Board of Trustees. That amount has been dropped to $50,000. ( The new Supt. of Schools told the board she'd ask them before spending that amount.....So far, I'm liking this new Supt.)
Man, sounds like the new board and the new Supt. of Schools have " Hit the ground running.."
With the changes coming in Texas education, it looks like they understand that ISDs are going to need to become a little more customer friendly.
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