Friday, November 16, 2018

Just Dumber By The Minute

You know, I have ordered DNA tests for several family members for Christmas. Just to see. I know Mom wants to find that "phantom " Cherokee in her DNA, that I am guessing, ain't there.

I read a post one of you put on Facebook concerning a phone call they had overheard after the person had received their DNA test.

It seems they were upset they were not "white."

The test came back with them being.....

90% Norwegian.

And the rest being Scottish, Irish.......and European.

What the cornbread fuck? 

Where do these people come from?

What do they consider as "white?"

Did they not pay attention in geography class? Or perhaps they were taught by one of those coaches who "Just didn't care."( Sorry, I am going there. I have taught with some coaches who were really good history teachers.....Others if they were asked " Who won the Civil War?" The answer they would give would be....." Newton 44-0")

And the sad part is, there are a bunch of folks who are just like this.....

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