Thursday, November 29, 2018

This Will Either Upset....Or Make Mama's Happy

I have said this statement many times before. " There but for the grace of God goes I."


I know some of your heads just exploded.

I am in favor of it. I vaccinated myself for Typhoid before we went to China, and it was a miserable event. I had the " green apple squirts" like you would not believe.

I even threatened to risk Typhoid. I wound up taking the pills and was sick for a week afterwards.

But if I need to, I can go to India......or Rwanda......or any other third world country and not fear the illness.

I know that many of you who do not vaccinate your children are afraid of  your child developing autism.

Is death for your children preferable to some perceived illness caused by vaccination?

Look, I listened to the shortwave back when Reid was still at home and even then, they talked  about children's danger concerning autism, peanut allergies, whatever else we do not have an explanation for the cause.

We vaccinated Reid anyway.

Jefferson County Health Clinic did it one time. The City of Pt. Arthur Health Department did it for us one time for free.( Pt. Arthur also did my TB skin test when I went to work in Buna.... The Dayton ISD had lost my card....and the city charged me, $0. And in high school, UTMB-Orange did the vaccinations for $3.)

Look, I am sorry you are scared of whatever perceived trouble your child might get from vaccinations.

I had both measles.

Including the regular measles at age 10. I was sick for 2 weeks.

I am convinced I had brain damage from the 106F fever I had.

I was so sick, so long, they re-tested me for the IQ test, and I went down considerably in points to 137. I could have been a contender. I could have been actually bright. There were things I lost the ability to do coordination wise after my illness. They plague me to this day.

I went to school with 2 kids who died from complications due to the measles. 

My late grandfather had polio. He was crippled with a cane and had to endure several surgeries in order to be able to walk as a teen.

Often, people died from polio if it attacked vital organs.

I wonder if death, being crippled, is a better life in the minds of some of you.

Look, we do not know what is causing the rise in autism. The peanut allergy syndrome.

But I am afraid there will be a massive polio or some other epidemic break out in this nation just because we are afraid of some sort of conspiracy theory that has been disproved by papers all over the world. 

Vaccinate your children. You don't want them to be carriers to people who for whatever reason, cannot be vaccinated. 

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