Saturday, June 15, 2019

Jasper County Property Taxes

What in the Cornbread F*ck is going on up in Jasper County?

It seems that folks all over the county have had property taxes go up by ridiculous amounts.

I've heard people's tax valuation on property go up by $100K.

Another has gone up by $60K in valuation and all he did to improve his property was to build a shed for his pump house.

These are just a few of the stories I have heard about huge jumps in valuation.

I've even heard about some people wanting to go in a large group to the Jasper County Commissioner's Court and ask "What on earth is going on? "

Makes you wonder....

Are they trying to beat Texas Legislature's bill that was passed trying to limit property taxes? 

Is this somehow related to all the new schools you got in the Buna ISD?

Are they thinking that all the plant expansion is going to bring an influx of people into the area? ( If that's the case and sure enough property is about to go way the hell up, Miss Debbie and I need to sell and move closer to Austin. Kids are there, brother in Llano.... )

I thought there were Republicans in the Commissioner's Court? Then again, the GOP of 1976, when I joined, was totally different than the GOP of 2019.....

I don't know, Jasper County residents, how much did you evaluation of your property go up this year? 

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