Wednesday, October 16, 2019


I have not really thought about the " holiday" or whatever it is seriously for 20 years.

My understanding is that many of you "live" for October 31st. And if it makes you happy, go for it.

Today, my question is for "Church Folks."

Years ago, there was a concerted effort for churches to keep their youth, ( and adults) out of " Trick or Treating."  The older youth and adults away from Halloween parties.

It seems now that the churches are more and more embracing it.

Oh, some still call their "parties" a "Fall Festival." But I saw where a church was having a "Spook House."

In Nederland, a Pentecostal-ish church was even selling pumpkins.....

I've never been a "Halloween" person, even as a kid. Then again, I am not a fan of the horror genre.

But is this just another example of the churches assimilating to popular culture?

You know, so many churches now all play music that is so similar to what goes for "Pop Music."

I know some of you are going, " Well, my church does not do that." But, they're in the minority...

Then again, I think a church service today should be similar to what was going on in the 17th century churches.....But I'm in a minority....

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