Sunday, December 15, 2019

You Gotta A Lot of Damn Nerve

I was minding my own business this morning when I got up. And I got an UGLY note and then, I saw all the pictures.

And it is the Christmas/Advent Season and I am trying to cut back on my cussin'. ( It's not good to get up at 3:30am to do your morning prayers, yeah, I am doing intercessory prayers for many of you and my list is pretty long. I have 57 people I mentioned talking to the Divine this morning.) And then, I look at a message I receive, and then look at Facebook

And I use bad words.

Real bad words.

I am afraid my intercessory prayers may have been negated this AM.

Someone wrote and asked " Do you miss doing the dances?" I am assuming they were talking about Buna's Jingle Bell Ball, which occurred last evening.

I ignored the note, and stroll through Facebook.

It's full of JBB pictures.


I even see a photo of young attractive female faculty members.....And this isn't PC.....Where were these ladies when I taught school? Might have kept male faculty morale up. ( No letters, I don't give a good  cornbread fuck this morning. Perhaps I've slipped out of Grace this morning..... Actually, if that's the case, I would "Fall from Grace" every 2-3 minutes. While I have strong Episcopalian/Anglican tendencies, I still cling to the P in Calvin's TULIP or "Preservation of the Saints", or as you Baptists say, "Once Saved Always Saved." )

No, I've done my time.

34 proms

27 Jingle Bell Balls, Winter Formals, Santa's Dance

Who knows how many other dances......

About 100 in total.

The photos, well, everybody " Cleaned Up Good."

But miss going to a dance? You know it was long over when Miss Debbie stopped going, because, well, enough is enough.

Night in Paris, Hollywood Nights, Night in Paradise, Slippin' Down Gum Slough,  Nekkid in Gist, Gang-Bang at the Flame Afterwards, whatever theme...Well, they all run together.

Hell, I can't even remember the theme of my own prom....And don't give a good shit what it was....

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Now on "X"

 Well, I've been barred from Facebook......Cannot even set up another account...... So, for now, moved to " X." K.D.Thomas@gov...