Tuesday, March 10, 2020

It Was the Best of Times.

"It was the worst of times." Quoting Dickens at 2:30AM when I'm writing this, when in need, always quote Victorian authors.

First, I am a little disappointed someone didn't unfriend me yesterday on Facebook. I guess you're waiting for the next dumpster fire. I have had 4 requests for "friendship." One of which I might approve since yesterday...Maybe....

Second, that was the first real one I've pulled since Election Night 2016.  Had a bottle of 14 year old Scotch and well, another dead soldier.

Third, just a convergence of things yesterday. Not so much the economy, well, partially that, but I also have an 89 year old mother. Just several other things.

Fourth, I know some of you get upset about my cussin' and drinkin' and my clergy status. You know, that's minor compared to what some of you are doing, and guess what, we all know about it... ( I am told stuff about many of you,that sometimes makes your hair curl, and on me, that's hard to do.) "Pull the plank out of your own eye."

Fifth,  keep an eye on the markets. Should be an up day. Who knows how long that'll last?

Sixth,  Never put We Chat on your phone. ( We Chat is the Chinese version of everything, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, debit cards( seriously & we don't use this feature) GPS, heck get a DiDi( Chinese Uber/Lyft) on it, pretty sure I won't ever be let back into China because of it, but, I got people who use it, so, I do....It sucks your battery like no other app.

I have a 7,8,9, but I don't want to wind up with a Lutheresque 95 points. I'd have to nail them to the door of the First Baptist Church of Buna...Or Central? Or BHS....Anyway....

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