Thursday, December 17, 2020

Buna ISD Would Have Fired Me.....

 And heck, Buna should have fired me about 15-20 times in my career. How I made it to my pension, well, it is a miracle out of the Bible. 

The story is that during the Port Arthur Memorial Titans play-off game one of the announcers said that..." As the game rolls on, that noose will be tightening up around the Titans' neck."

Ouch, not a wise choice of words to use for a traditionally Black school. 

The announcer was fired after people became outraged.  ( He worked for KBMT-12)

Did the guy mean his words to be racist? Probably not. If he'd used the term with say Vidor or Orangefield or a predominately Anglo school, no one would have batted an eye. 

And besides, the guys you can rest assure would have loved to continue being employed as an announcer.  

Should he have been fired? I don't know. We are so wanting to play " gotcha" now, you can rest assure he probably didn't even know he said anything wrong until the controversy emerged. 

Which brings me to another story concerning KBMT-12. 

In the Fall, they hired a new meteorologist for weekend work. 

As some of you know, I am somewhat of a " weather geek." And read the forecast models every day. 

So, out of curiosity, I look to see where the new meteorologist got her meteorology degree. 

Well, she doesn't have a meteorology degree, her degree is from Northern Arizona University in some sort of Communications/Journalism/Mass Media. 

And that's fine, you can take online classes from Mississippi State University to prep and do TV weather. 

As I was looking at her social media, I come across this photo-( Sorry Instagram has their photos copyrighted or I would posted it) Here is the link below-

It is of her shooting the finger in protest of sexual assault. Women, men, gays, trans, whoever. 

It makes you wonder if KBMT-12 really vetted potential on-air staff? Or if she just got a pass? Couldn't get anyone else to work for next to nothing weekends doing the weather?

I am sorry, but a lot of people find shooting the finger offensive. 

Good message, poor execution. Especially if you are wanting to be a public figure. I have told you for years to warn your kids about stuff you post today can come back in 5-10-20-30 years and bite you on the butt.

If I was her employer I would ask her to "take it down" and chalk it up to "youthful indiscretion."

Now, Buna ISD would have "let me go" if I had posted that on any social media. Hell, we were told not to post photos of us drinking " adult beverages" and " wearing swimwear" or any other "questionable photo."

It is why many teachers, police, other people working in the public's view either do not have social media or are very careful, so careful.

I no longer work for well, anyone, so, I can say whatever I want.....

I am going to explain this to my liberal readers and you're not going to understand, or don't want to understand....This is part of Trump's attraction. Their supporters don't understand why some people can say and do things and get away with it. You've not done a good job of explaining.  And it is hard work trying to do so. And some people won't ever understand. But you got to keep trying. And yelling and jumping up and down ain't going to do it. 

I do not see it ending well in this nation. I really do not. We got to "get it together" both damn sides, or the Chinese are waiting in the wings to lead.....I don't know. Perhaps this is our time to no longer be the leader?

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