Tuesday, October 12, 2021

No Fooling, This is Concerning

 As many of you know, I pretty much watch some sort of business channel now. Generally Bloomberg, as Fox, MSNBC, CNN, all other news channels are pretty much nothing more than political hacks now. 

There are several things going on right now that are concerning. 

First, there is a worldwide energy crisis....West Texas Intermediate is right at $80 and Brent( North Sea off Scotland) is right at $84. 

Now, I know, some of you are all excited because the price of oil means jobs, but if price gets too high two things happen. People stop buying, and it starts to hurt the rest of the economy. And if no one is buys oil, or is buying less, the price will drop. There has to be a level.

Parts of the rest of the world are really concerning about energy for this winter. Heck, if it gets really cold again here this winter, we might have power rationing once again. ( Some of you think the price of gas is an American phenomenon, but it is worldwide. They drive cars in Europe, China, India, Brazil, etc....)

Then I wonder what businesses( Brick and Mortar) will close because they can't get goods from Asia to sell...so many businesses, Christmas is a make or break time for a lot of businesses in this country. ( Is Sears finally done? Penny's? Macy's?)

Also, where are workers in this country? Are we to the point we no longer can find people who are willing to work? When we were in the Hill Country, nearly every business had signs looking for employees. And it isn't just here. Asian businesses can't find enough people to work. 

And now, I am really concerned about China starting a war in an attempt to reclaim Taiwan. Nearly every day, China is sending fighter jets and bombers into Taiwan's airspace. And this past weekend, President Xi( Sounds like "She") claimed that Taiwan was part of China. ( Now they've said this since 1947, but recently, they acted like they are going to "make it happen.") BTW- We've sent US Marine Special Forces to Taiwan, sort of under the radar.

( I know I promised a long detailed blog on China, but I've tried to write it in a neutral voice, but can't. I must remember I have a Chinese daughter-in-law and her family is still in the old country and would like to go back and visit, plus, I don't want the Chinese government to arrest her for something I wrote about.)

I don't know, I keep looking at the economics and the situation and it doesn't look really good until after 2022.

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