Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Dammit People....What is Wrong With SOME of You?

 I swear people using their turn signals is a thing of the past. If you're going to turn and there is someone waiting, and you are turning before you get to that road, use your turn signal. Now one of the people today was a lady with about 4 kids in the car and well, I should give her a pass. But the others, well, you are an asshole. 

Second, in a 4 lane highway, the passing lane is that, a lane for passing. I know there is a law that you're not suppose to just ride in that lane.

Last Thursday evening after the radio show, I got behind a pick-up doing 56mph. I would normally just get in the right lane and pass, but in this case, there was a 25 year old Chevrolet car also doing 56 mph. I followed them from Roganville almost to Kirbyville....and traffic was stacked up behind both. Maybe they're like some sort of crusaders who think everyone should only go 55mph to slow down global warming. I doubt it. 

Also folks, if you are retired, or off from work that day, drive with the flow. Especially during "rush hour." 

Don't be doing 45mph if you are retired and got no place to be in a 65mph speed zone. People are trying to go to work. Or get home from work. 

Look my 91 year old mother driving 75mph in a 75mph zone...Maybe even faster, I am afraid to look when I am riding with her. ( It's like the time my wife was driving on the Autobahn between Frankfurt and Nuremberg and I glanced over at the speedometer and she was doing 145mph, not 145 kilometers, 145 miles per hour.   I stopped looking over. )

If you're going to drive 45mph, wait until after rush hour. 

Then, you people with those damn halogen lights. I am blinded when one of those 4x4 trucks is coming down the road just so you can see, and people in the opposite lane can't. Damn Martians can see it in the Jezero Crater. This is another issue I would run on, if I ever ran for the Texas Legislature.

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