Monday, February 28, 2022

Wars and Rumors of Wars

 So, if the last day since the President of Russia threatened to nuke the West and the President of Belarus ( Russia's biggest ally) has threatened World War 3, I have had a few people ask what is the chance Russia uses its nuclear weapons.

You never know.

Right now the war is not going well for Russia. Desperate times call for desperate measures. 

Even the people in Moscow and St. Petersburg or not thrilled with the war and they ( the Russian people) ran on the banks this morning after the money system in Russia was cut off from most of the world. So far, 6,000 Russians have been arrested for protesting. 

So far, in the economic circle this morning, Russia closed their stock market, the Russian Ruble, their money system is $1 dollar gets you 103 rubles this morning. It was $1 dollar gets you 25. Their money is becoming worthless. ( Had to look up how to make ruble sign)

That said, oil has gone up $4.25 this morning a barrel on West Texas crude. Not good in this inflation period we are in right now. 

I am more worried about China invading Taiwan.....Really worried. 

My advice?

Don't panic, most of this stuff you've got no control of anyway. 

Go to work, love your kids, hug your spouse, live your life like normal. 

If you're a person who like me believes in a supernatural force, pray, pray hard.....But then, you should already been doing so.....But better late than never....

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