Wednesday, May 17, 2023

It Used to be About S*x

 Hell, I can't remember when Sports Illustrated(SI) was actually relevant in the sports world. So many online sports pages that beat SI on everything.

It used to be, the SI swimsuit issue was a big damn deal. It sold copies. It got subscriptions. 

I remember when I was teaching in both Magnolia and Dayton, the coaches would " steal" the swimsuit issue from the library and it would wind up in the Field-house. Heck, I remember one librarian in Dayton would hide it behind the counter like it was a Playboy at the local 7-11. You had to ask for it. But that was long before the internet. 

Men who wouldn't dare buy a Playboy or a Penthouse and bring them home, would buy the swimsuit issue. Hell, I am sure that weekend, the wife got a couple of "passes" made at them. Maybe the evening the magazine was purchased.

Yesterday, as I scrolled Facebook, it seemed like every 5th post was photos of Martha Stewart's swimsuit layout for SI....All posted by females. 

A guy who would post a 25 year old female in a bikini on Facebook would either be crucified or considered a creep.

Sorry, folks, but guys are visual. We just are. If we weren't, the human race would end. And finding females attractive now is well, bad. Especially if you aren't a super handsome guy. Hell, guys are afraid to even glace at a female now.

Yeah, the swimsuit issue is now like everything else. Political.

81 year old, a stroke survivor, a trans......

I am 65 now and I find older women more and more attractive, but a woman almost 20 years older than me? Well, that's a " Bridge Too Far." ( Could be I don't care for Martha. Sorry, she's a felon. Pay your damn taxes like the rest of us. Then again, her photos are so air brushed, AI enhanced who knows what she really looks like?)

And a trans? Come on, most men ain't interested in " Chicks With Dicks." ( You want to be trans, that's your business, just don't think I am a horrible person because I don't find you sexually attractive.) 

The stroke survivor? Well, I'd be afraid of getting us all " stirred up" and wind up with a trip to the ER.

Sorry, I often think at night that I don't have that much more time to go, maybe 10-20 years, and hell, that's enough.

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