Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Been Vaping at School.....Buna Edition.......

 I have been reading stories of people getting caught vaping at school and allegedly, the vapes were snuck into their backpack, bags, etc.....

And then, said person caught with the vape is sent to DAEP for what amounts to as Merle Haggard sang in the song "Hunstville" " I'm bringing a load of time." Someone said 45 days.....

Damn, 45 days is a long damn time in the SAC.....And as you know, I'd make them send you to gov/eco because, well, you need to actually come to class to learn, plus, I figure you needed a break from the " Black Hole of Calcutta." 

I don't know, I know the rules have changed and the state has decided to "crack down" on kids vaping at school...But, it reminds me of the South Park episode in which Mr. Mackey the school councilor is telling the school that " Smoking is bad...Mmmmkay...."

Next thing you know, Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, and Stan are standing behind the school....Smoking....Tell kids not to do stuff, often making then want to do it more....

I don't know, I wonder just how much good DAEP time does to keep kids from smoking/vaping? 

You know, I grew up in a time in which my high school had a so called " smoke shack." An area for kids to smoke during lunch, breaks, etc. Kids openly had tobacco products on their desks, in their front shirt pockets, purses, wherever, no one cared. And people knew then tobacco wasn't good for you.....

I don't know, I taught high school seniors so long, and most of them were either 18 or about to turn 18, I probably shouldn't have, but I often openly talked about my love of tobacco and the fact I might have an "adult beverage" or two in my spare time. 

I can't even imagine the trouble I'd be in today for talking about it.....

But the laws now say, 45 days in SAC for holding a vape? 

Not sure I like where the world, much less the schools are going... 

( And I stand corrected......The 45 days is for a Delta9/Delta8/THC vape.....and as many of you know, I've been calling for the legalization of marijuana for years, and who knows what the damn Baptists in the legislature will do this legislative session)

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