Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Buna ISD Poops the Bed...Again

 Please excuse mistakes. I am writing this under the influence of muscle relaxers and pain meds. 

So, it looks like the Buna Schools will return to a five day week, the first 2025. ( January)

It seems there was not enough research done on Career and Technology Education and what a 4.5 day week would do to those programs. 

Two groups people are to be blamed. 

1. The former Supt. Of Schools and her advisors. The Superintendent didn't do their research. 

2. The Buna School Board of Trustees. Yes, the school board. You're not a rubber stamp politician. You take the position, you must do your own research. Just don't trust folks. 

CTE is a growing part of public schools. Not everyone is going to college. We need welders, auto techs, CNAs, etc. 

Heck two of the best teachers you have are CTE instructors. One of which I knew was going be special when the district hired him the first year. 

Also, I was amazed at the work the CNAs did at Texas Orthopedic. We're working as hard if not harder than the RNs. ( RNs, God bless them, had tons of paperwork) 

It seems the Buna Schools were not meeting the requirements of daily hours needed each day for CTE classes to meet. 

Thus, Buna needing to return to a 5 day week. ( One of my favorite students of all times sent me the video. I could not figure what was wrong with the seniors boys. She was IMO he cutest girl in her class, and she's now a CTE teacher.)

Now, I know there are mixed emotions in the Friday half day. 

I know some people love their kids getting out early. Others are left scrambling to find someone to watch their children, because, most folks have jobs, they work Fridays. 

Now I would not mind.. Even with extended days M-Th, Friday would be a day I'd need to try and start a new lesson, in a short period of time. Let's either go all day, or go 4 days, if that can be done for 25-26 School Year. 

And I know there are people dead set against 4 day weeks. Trouble is, more schools are going to look at 4 day weeks as an incentive to get and keep faculty. And I hate to tell 5 day week people, it's hard to get teachers now. Why work at a district that pays less, and has a longer work week? It's simple economics. 

Okay, I am going back to my health sabbatical.  

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