Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Okay Buna Schools....Time to Get Serious.......

 School is back in session at the Buna ISD. 

I hated, literally hated the Spring Semester. Especially with seniors. You get to a point in which it is like " Herding Cats."

You're trying to keep seniors from quitting and doing so little in their classes they mess around and do not graduate. And in many cases, in spite of this, the parents blame teachers that their kids were sorry, sorry over what should have been their last 5 months of high school.....And then, there are parents who blame teachers saying...." We did not know." 

This in spite of the faculty sending home registered mail, making phone calls, email, texts, sending home progress reports, carrier pigeons, telegraph messages, runners, literally seeing the parent at the Dollar General and telling Mom/Dad, smoke signals.......

That said, please, I beg of you, please, don't try and have a parent conference with a teacher concerning your child at Sunday School, or inside the church sanctuary, or church parking lot......I literally know teachers who have moved churches to Silsbee, or Mauriceville, even drive into Beaumont for services to avoid seeing parents who want a conference then and there. 

Also, if a teacher is on a date, or out for dinner with their family, it is not the time to decide I need to gripe at my kid's government teacher about my kid's last test he/she failed....This happens more than you know. I had a dad come up to me to confront me about their child's grades at a seafood restaurant in Nederland on a Saturday afternoon. 

I have had a parent call on a Thursday night at 11:45PM. Wanting to set up a parent conference. The parent obviously had had a few "Pearl Pops, with the Foam on Top." Before they called, and got upset when I told them they needed to call the office to make an appointment. They wanted to just "show-up" in the middle of my 3rd period class.

Buna ISD doesn't pay us enough to put up with that....And this happens more than you think.....Why teach today and put up with it?

And what does administration do? Nuthin'!

My question is this, has anyone heard anything on the Supt. of Schools search? Are they looking internally? 

Is this going to be another 2.5 year employee of the Buna Schools? And move on to a large, better paying district, like the last two? 

And can Buna compete? The last Supt. of Schools was said to be paid ...around $116,000-117,000 yearly-

How many new ideas will teachers have to implement only to start over in 2 years. New rules, new ideas....Why stay? Go someplace else you can at least get more money? 

FYI- Dr Spicer at Waco ISD-

        $234,000 yearly on a 4 year contract

FYI- Dr. Lee received the following to go to the WFISD-

  • A base salary of $215,000 per year
  • A relocation allowance of up to $10,000
  • A salary supplement equal to his contributions to the TRS
  • A monthly car allowance of $550

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