Friday, February 21, 2025

The US Government is Going to Send ALL of us a $5000 Check?

 So yesterday, the Executive Branch said that with all the saving from the Dept. of Government Efficiency( DOGE) is saving us, we all might be getting $5000.

Now, I am not holding my breath. 

Why save this money, only to spend it by sending it out to the general populous?  Why not put it towards the National Debt?

Yeah sure, I'd love to get $5000 in the form of a check, or what the first stimulus was here at the Compound, during the COVID outbreak, a Visa " Gift Card."  

But in reality, how much did the "stimulus" cause inflation? ( Economists say around 10%....and it has not returned to normal. I think it is higher than 10%....)

If you are interested in economics, you need to watching the Uneducated Economist on YouTube. Simon Caron has no background, in economics, yet, he has read everything he can get his hands on concerning the subject, including the Federal Reserve( The Fed) minutes and actually watching the speeches from the Fed's Board of Governors. 

Simon has a background in the lumber industry and got interested in economics through the price fluctuation in the lumber industry. 

Lumber is often effected by interest rates, the economy than a lot of products. Thus his interest in economics. 

In today's vlog, Simon talks about what makes a good economy, not sending people money, what creates a middle class? 

Producers and savers. 

If we are sent a $5000 check, it will be spent like last time. On pleasurable wants. And of course all this money into the economy? Prices will increase. 

And to get a strong middle class, you need to produce. Trouble is we are in a global economy and have to compete against people who are willing to work 12-18 hour days, 7 days a week, and sleep in a box, on the ground for pennies on the dollar. 

Americans want to live in a house. Drive a Ford Expedition or Jeep Wagoneer. We can't compete with people sleeping on the ground. 

We literally don't have the man-power to compete with, nor willing to accept the wages they will in another country. 

What the US now produces are consumers. 

If the consumer can no longer go to their job, and get enough money to spend and keep the US economy going, well, then the US Government will have to force feed to money into us. They're taking future money, giving it to you, so the economy stays afloat. ( future money, yes, the government is borrowing on everything now, and so it is future money, yes, including Social Security is borrowed. I need to talk about LBJ taking money out of Social Security and spending it on  the war in Vietnam.)

The government will say, if they give us a $5000 gift card, they are trying to "support" the economy. In reality, they are trying to maintain it. Keep it from collapse. 

Now back to us receiving $5000.

I will believe it when I go out to the mailbox and there is a check from the US Treasury, or some sort of a Visa, Mastercard gift card worth $5000. 

Don't plan on it. A lot of things must happen before you see money, and even then, the ramifications, long term well, I don't think it is worth it. 

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The US Government is Going to Send ALL of us a $5000 Check?

 So yesterday, the Executive Branch said that with all the saving from the Dept. of Government Efficiency( DOGE) is saving us, we all might ...