Was told by two former student that I am quite fond of not to do this, but the farther I get away from actually teaching in the classroom at Buna High, well, new folks to the community do not know who I am...
Yes, I appreciate the people jointing the blog group The Govteach Part Deaux ..... It is separate from the Kerry Thomas' Facebook site. And I do not blame people for not going onto my normal FB lunacy. The blog is lunacy enough....Sometimes.
Again, I've been away from teaching " gubmint" and economics at Buna that there are people who do not have a clue who I am.
Yes, I taught senior government and economics at Buna for a number of years.
Yes, I actually studied in a divinity school to become a clergyman, and yes, an outlaw denomination with ties to the Church of Scotland still has me ordained.
This blog is a " Buyer Beware."
I often cuss....Badly.
Yes, I like Scotch and Irish whiskey.
At one time, I really liked cigars, but as I have grown older, not so much now. That said, I saw Malcolm Guite smoking a pipe on YouTube, and well, man, that looked good. I smoked one as an undergrad.
I love clothes. So much so, I have 3 closets here at the house full of suits, sports coat, blazers, shirts, pants, etc....And yes, I call myself a fop, a dandy. I own over 100 ties. I can tie over 20 knots, but normally, I am lazy and do either a coachman's or oriental knot. Yes, I can tie a bow tie.
I am a bit of an Anglophile, Scotophile, Hibernophile.....That said, I have a good dose of Coonass in me and love the Gumbo, Étouffée, Rice and Gravy........Yes, I can make a roux from scratch. It's sort of like therapy. While stirring, you can work out your problems.....
The above said, my wife and I have traveled to the UK 4 times in recent years, and the last 2 evenings, we talked about going back to Scotland..... Rent that car and drive on the left....
Okay, if you are new to the blog, and there are several of you.....I try and write mostly about Buna, Buna ISD,( Mostly the school district) and South Jasper County here on the blog. Sometimes news, sometimes opinion....And sometimes, well, Thomas has jumped the rails and is writing on whatever....I'm looking hard at writing why men do not go to church, especially younger guys. This includes me. ( I ain't young) And so much happier not going....And I have no fear of making fun of church, churches, ministers.
I'm looking hard at starting a second blog on nothing but economics, but, the rules, the technical "stuff" has changed so much since I started the original blog, well, I may have to get my son to help me set it up. ( I am old and learning new stuff well, is not as easy as it once was, and my child has a M.S. in a computer field from UT) Same goes with starting a vlog on YT. Sort of afraid it'll get out of control.
We welcome new folks to the blog. Get ready, I'll let you know what I really think, and often say stuff you can't.
Again, thanks for reading....And as always, help the algorithm, like the blog on Facebook.
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