Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Drunk Teacher

If you have not seen it by now,  the Jasper Basketball coach was arrested this weekend on suspicion of DWI.

I know that people are already ready to "hang him" fire him and then pull his teacher's certificate.

First, he has not been convicted yet.

And if I was pulled over and given the a roadside sobriety test, stone sober, I probably could not pass it, especially the one of doing the alphabet backwards. And walking on my heels? Sorry, my back won't let me....

But rest assure this guy is done. Jasper will probably let him go. Too much baggage to deal with. Too many " what ifs."

Now before you go throwing stones at this guy you yourself need to answer.....

How many of you have.....

Had one too many beers at a restaurant or party and drove anyway?

Took medication, OTC( That said not to operate heavy machinery....that's a car) or prescription and drove?

How many of you have texted and drove?

How many of you have dropped something on the floor and swerved all over the highway looking for it?

Fought with your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, kids and drove?

Messed with the radio, etc while driving instead of paying attention?

Were just too tired/sleepy and rather than stopping and getting a motel or pulling off and resting, you kept driving? ( Just had to GET THERE)

Now I am not advocating drinking and driving, but you need to think before you cast that first stone...

Too many people want teachers to be next to Jesus.....and we just aren't.....And then people wonder why they can't find people to teach?

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