Thursday, November 8, 2018

It Might Be Time to Say No

I may have to start telling people "No." Or just be selective....Or perhaps I need to just quit all together.

As many of you know, I often marry folks, pretty much for gratis.

I may need to quit.

I was asked to "step in" and do a wedding in a couple of weeks. the minister they had gotten and I am not sure what the deal is, either turned them down, or the people fired the clergy.

And I was asked to do the ceremony.

And I found out why the clergy quit.

The marriage is a 3 day event, several hours.

And when they found out ( the ministers) price for doing the ceremony, well, they scrambled to find someone to do it. ( My understanding one minister said they would do it for $1200...another $1500. I think they came up with the prices so they would not have to do it.)

I was asked and thought it was a former student, and it turned out to be a relative of said student.

 I discovered it was 3 day event. Two separate weddings, because one of the persons getting married divorced parents won't be in the same room together....Then....

I discovered they wanted me to get a tuxedo. And there was no offer of remittance. And the tux was somewhat expensive to rent. ( Was an odd color)

And then, they sent me their vows. And while I am open to most things said, these, well, I just could not accept.  ( Just loony stuff)

I balked and told them "No." ( I am sure they are mad at me, but I don't care.)

At this point, folks I am thinking about stopping doing wedding unless I know you fairly well. ( I taught you.)

Otherwise, please, don't ask, or if you do, I may need ask for a remittance.

1 comment:

Now on "X"

 Well, I've been barred from Facebook......Cannot even set up another account...... So, for now, moved to " X." K.D.Thomas@gov...