Friday, November 9, 2018

You Know....I Worry

I am concerned about America, no not the political dysfunction we are now having.... ( and yes, it( politics) is a concern.)

But what has happened to us that so many people are full of hate, or they are having some form of mental disorder, they have to shoot people.

And we are talking about shooting dozens of people at a time.

I don't know.

And don't blame guns, I know some of you think it is the guns fault, but you know, I remember in the 1960s being able to order a M1 carbine with 20-30 round magazines mail order. All made to WW2 military specification. My dad was issued a M1 carbine during the Korean conflict.

We all had access to serious weapons in school....and none of us ever dreamed of shooting anyone.

And I don't want this blog or the discussion to be a gun control debate.

Something has happened to us.

And I don't understand what it is.



Damn video games? 

Too much hatred on TV and radio?

The devil, AKA Social Media?

Do we have so much free time now, our life turns to hatred?

 You know, there were bullies in school, folks were picked on, but no one dreamed of getting a gun and shooting everyone at school. 

And what has happened to the folks with PTSD? This is not new. I knew WW2 and Korean War vets who had PTSD, but never did you expect them to go violent. ( And yes, there needs to be more done
for these men and women. I knew a man who had PTSD from WW2. His US Navy mine-layer was hit by a kamikaze off Okinawa and half the men on the ship were killed....he of course would not talk about it, but he often would become very melancholy.....)

I mean seriously, what is going on?

I am concerned about us in this country.

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