Friday, January 11, 2019

Well, I Apologize

I was told I need to apologize.

All I need to be is in the doghouse.

Lord knows I got enough troubles as it is.....

Hell, I have avoided writing on the 800lb gorilla in the room and I am pretty proud of myself . ( I keep thinking Mitch will go there for me...)

No, I was told "not" to do this.

And well, upon further review, they are correct.

I posted on a couple of people's Facebook concerning my being available to "marry you."

I was told that it wasn't in good form, and made it seem like they "had" to use me as the officiant.


I didn't mean it that way.

If you have someone else in mind or you'd rather use someone else,  please, don't feel like you "gotta" use me.

I just offer my "services" if you need help in that area.

Once again, I apologize for any misunderstanding.

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