Thursday, January 10, 2019

Why'd It Take So Long?

I saw this on one of the about 100 web pages I try and look at a day and all I could think was...." Why did it take so long for the public to wise up?"

It seems that the clergy ( ministers, preachers) are at a new all time low as being honest and ethical in the eye's of the American people.

Only 37% of American view the clergy as honest.

Look, I was on church staff for a while and I was somewhat shocked at what goes on. It was an eye opening experience. ( And I know there are good ministers out there....But....)

And it seems every day there is some sort of sexual scandal involving ministers.

I can't figure that one out. It's like some of these guys are in the " business" for money and sex.

I am still ordain by a couple of denominations, one of which comes from the Reform/Presbyterian branch of Protestantism, ( even though I have troubles with Calvinism) but I never would dream of sleeping with someone other than who I am married to. And I always saw the ministry as a "calling."

Maybe it has been here all along, it is just we now have so much electronic media and so much internet, we are aware of what is going on?

On a brighter note, what profession do most Americans trust?


That makes sense.

And the one that sort of surprised me coming in at number #4.

High school teachers.

It now makes me question the entire poll....

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