Friday, February 15, 2019

You Better Be Careful What You Hope For....

Some of you people had better be careful what you are hoping for.

You get a National Emergency for a wall declared by Mr. Trump, don't think it won't come back under a Democratic President in a few years.

They might declare an emergency on semi-automatic firearms. You gotta hand them in....Another school shooting will get this in motion.

Or, you maybe down to single shot shotguns...

They may put huge emission restrictions on Exxon-Mobil, Motiva, Chevron, Total, etc....They may decide, the "Stink Mill" can't stink no more. So hard of restrictions, some just shut their doors.

They may decide you can't drive anything but a 4 cylinder car.  Or 3 cylinder engines.

All through a National Emergency.

Don't think this won't happen.

I know some of you are scared to death you might see a Mexican or a person from Honduras buying groceries with you.

I have come to understand some of you are racist and just don't want to admit it.

Some of you are covert racists and I get this through private messages. Trust me, in the last 2 years I have discovered some of your true self.

I know some of you live in a state of fear.

Scared of black folks, scared of Mexicans, scared the "Minorities" are going to take control.

Guess what, they are. Simple mathematics. They are having more children than you are. While you are having 2.5 kids so you can have a boat or a beach house or a $75,000 vehicle. They are having large families. And they are Jus Soli/Jus Sanguinis already, and their kids are Jus Soli/Jus Sanguinis. ( Citizens)

I don't know how they are going to get past the fact we have the fewest illegal crossings in the last 50 years. Hasn't been this low since Nixon was in office. 

But I digress.

This wall emergency will be in the courts for years, and then, the land owners will fight the emminate domain cases will be fought in the courts for years. It will be lucky if the wall is started in 10-20 years. And even then, there will be gapes in the walls where the land is still in the courts.

( I am amazed at people being okay with taking away people's long as it isn't "their" land.)

Be careful what you wish for...It can come back and bite you...

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