Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Not True

Until you are actually there, you do not know how much stuff is, " Not True."

This morning in the Kroger's ad, I notice that they are selling Corned Beef Brisket for the St. Patrick's Day on Sunday.

Not true. There is no such thing in Ireland.

Yes, the Irish eat potatoes. You order a pizza, you get a side order of fries. But other than Irish stew most of their meals are very similar to ours, or what they eat in England. They are big into a roast with potatoes, and carrots for a meal, especially on Sunday....Sounds familiar.

Fish and chips? Just like a fish fry here. Fried fish and french fries.

The Chinese have rice with every meal.

Not true. Towards the southern coast, yes, but you get inland, they raise wheat and potatoes and they are served in great numbers. The wheat comes in the form of noodles.

The world is getting closer and closer to what it is like here in America.

Especially in cities. 

Most folks have indoor plumbing. They have restaurants just like ours.

The major highways are just like our interstate systems and in most cases are better maintained.

Of course there are cultural differences, and yes, the scenery is often so much different it is breathtaking....

But the more I travel, the more I learn....

"Folks are just folks."

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