Wednesday, May 29, 2019

I Wanted One Years Ago

In Louisiana you can have them, but not in this state......But as of Sept 1, 2019, you can now own them legally in the state of Texas.

Kitty Keychains, clubs, and brass knuckles.

I am not for sure at this point why I would need brass knuckles. With my arthritis, I don't think I can swing hard enough to to any good, but, those kitty keychains, I may get me a set. Pointy cat's ears? I could see a use for those one night trying to get into my Honda.

But I needed those brass knuckles years ago....

Get Mattison Witt, Jake Arredondo, Bunky Askew's attention?

Trouble is, whacking them on the head, I'd ruin a perfectly good set of brass knuckles. 

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 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...