Friday, May 24, 2019

Mr. Anton Taucer

I have kept this under my hat for quite a while. I knew it was coming.

You know when you are done.

You just get tired.

You just feel like you can't do this anymore.

People not in the school teaching business do not understand.

You just get so mentally tired. 

Mr. Taucer retired today from the Buna ISD.

Anton was one hell of a science teacher, and I doubt Buna will find anyone near his level to teach.

He taught extra classes, giving up his conference period so there would be enough science teachers during the school year.

He was involved in everything from NHS, to the prom, to department chair, to giving up summers to teach, and then attend conferences.......He gave up summers to helping the design of the science wing at the old high school.

His science, math teams were regular victors at the UIL District competition. 

His students always scored in the 90+ percentile on the  state mandated exams. Look and see, other schools don't score that high.

So, if you see my friend uptown, you may want to shake his hand and thank him for his service.

Good luck my good friend. You earned it.....

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