Friday, May 24, 2019

Say " Tater" and Wave Bye-Bye

Yes sir, it is "Tater and Wave Bye-Bye" today in most of the area, well, most that really matter anyway.

As the old joke about Buna ISD was, to graduate from the Buna High all you had to be able to do was " Say Tater and Wave Bye-Bye."

I hope some of us over the years changed that culture.

That said, today is the greatest day on the calendar.

Screw Christmas.

Screw your birthday.

Screw anniversary of anything.

Today, kids, and especially teachers are dancing in the streets.

The "Last Day of School"

It still makes my heart flutter. 

For the seniors, your life will change FOREVER. You won't understand for a few weeks yet, and then it will hit you.....

Have a good summer folks.....

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Now on "X"

 Well, I've been barred from Facebook......Cannot even set up another account...... So, for now, moved to " X." K.D.Thomas@gov...