Thursday, June 27, 2019

Hooter's.....Part 3...And Messages from Buna

I can't keep up, with where I am going on this. I have received 63 messages on the " Clique" in Buna. I think I have answered everyone at this point....If not, let me know....63 is just, unprecedented.

If you are with Buna ISD, pay attention...There is a lot of unhappy patrons right now.

Just something to think about Buna ISD.....

Sex at schools doesn't always have to involved kids or faculty and kids.

Look, I caught a couple of kids at Buna facing one another in  bucket seats in the Senior Parking lot before class one morning. Just a "grinding and a going." I stopped my car and caught his eye and they stopped.  ( I was coming from the old Junior High)

I think them worrying several days what I would do would be worse than me turning them in....

( I didn't actually "see" them doing it, but when you're in that motion, and she reaches down afterwards to pull up her pants.....what else could they be doing?)

No, teachers, especially young teachers just out of college, or even a little older are not immune from sexual attraction.

I remember the damn Baptists in Magnolia ISD lost their damn minds when single teachers of different sexes visited each other's apartments in Magnolia.

They even had a school board meeting concerning it.

Come on, there wasn't anyone for the single people to date outside the school community anyway and they really didn't want the teachers to date one another.


And they wondered why no one wanted to live in Magnolia who was single.

Probably my favorite teacher story involved two married teachers in Dayton.

Both married, in their middle 20s.....The Sophomore English Teacher and a Sophomore Biology Teacher.

They were carrying on an affair in which both would be the first to school in the morning before anyone got there, early morning "hook-up."

And it was being carried on in the science lab, which was so far away from the rest of the campus, you never knew people were ever down there outside of the class day.

This went well until the Chemistry teacher had a bunch of AP Chemistry kids come in early one morning to make-up a chem lab they couldn't get right.

And about 10 kids walked in on both of them pants-less.

Both of course resigned.

As one of the students who eventually became valedictorian told me about the experience.

" Ride 'em cowgirl." 

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