Thursday, June 13, 2019

Those Darn Baptists

So, those darn Baptists are being pretty much forced to do something about the sex scandal
 within the SBC. The Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express this past week had two more stories on sexual assaults and the SBC looking the other way....Including a scandal within the International Mission Board of the SBC.

Then again, there is a big push in the SBC for what the Neo-Calvinists call " Complementarianism"

Complementarianism is a theological view in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, that men and women have different but complementary roles and responsibilities in marriage, family life, religious leadership, and elsewhere.

In other words it is an attempt keep women out of the pulpit. ( More and more churches are calling women to preach in Baptist circles and this is their biggest concern, not falling numbers, not sexual abuse....Not savin' souls...)

So, their theology boils down to this....

"Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns into bed." 

Sorry SBC, it's no longer 1949.

The SBC meets next week in Birmingham, AL... ( Somehow that's just indicative of the entire convention)

I am sure this blogger might have a thing or two to say.... 

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