Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Y'all Didn't Learn Nuthin'

In truth, I do not blame you. You were not taught, and for the most part, that is another story. I did the best I could in the time I had.

I am seeing stuff on Facebook because people are unhappy about an slight against someone who doesn't give a damn you even exist.

People were making fun of Britain because their were protests against the administration.

Saying the place is the size of Michigan now. ( This is more about modern economics. Than power )

Never mind you speak their language, use their legal system.....Hell, their money is still worth more than your money.

And not everyone protested and their are supporters of the present administration....

And then, I came across this Meme...

"This year, for the first time in US History, kids born while their dads were serving in Afghanistan, those same kids will be able to serve in that same war."( We've had a war there since 2001. )

Again, we ain't learned nothing from history.....

It ain't called the "Graveyard of Empires" for nothing....

The following nations have failed to conquer the place.

330 BC - Alexander the Great and the Greeks- Alexander lost more men in one day fighting in Afghanistan than 4 years years going from the Mediterranean to Persia.

Genghis Khan and the Mongols in 1219AD

1383 the Timur Empire

1837 the Sikh Empire

1838, 1878, 1919 the British Empire

1980 the Soviet Union

And we've been there since 2001....Time to declare victory and come home..

Or just get the hell out....

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