Wednesday, July 24, 2019

You Know...What Has Happened to Etiquette?

What has happened to etiquette in this country?

I mean seriously? Is the lack thereof just a sign of the times?

And some of it is just simple business etiquette.

I understand that in all jobs written notice of a resignation is not needed, but in many cases, it is, along with a 2 week notice you are leaving so the job can replace you.

It seems the Supt. of Schools in the Jasper ISD, never gave the school board a written notice he was leaving...Just told them orally, he was " done."

In normal school business, you need a written resignation due to written contracts.

Every time I resigned, and when I retired, I mailed the school district a resignation letter.

I even sent a certified letter to the Buna ISD when I retired, along with a certified letter to the Teacher Retirement of Texas I was retiring. I did this months before the coming school year, so a replacement could be found...

The older I get, the less I understand "stuff."

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