Tuesday, August 13, 2019

And We Have to Compete with This B*llsh*t

I apologize. I am in a cussin' mood today. Get ready. It might be a 3-4 blog day.....This is number two.

So, this teacher out in California has her room all doctored up with some sort of a Disney theme.

And the media goes wild saying what a wonderful teacher they might be.

There are teachers who do a Harry Potter Theme for their classes, and they seem to be pretty popular. Here are 18 examples.   

Do these sumbitches have a fuckin' life?

I always wanted a themed classed classroom, but I doubt the media would approved.

I wanted a Dante's Inferno themed class.

That way, when the kids came into the class they wondered....

" What circle of fresh Hell will we visit today?"

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