Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Not Only No, But, Hell No!

I am asked from time to time about this, and to be honest, I try and be honest as I can be concerning the answer.

Lord knows, I won't give my opinion on stuff. ( That's sarcasm there for those of you who do not "get it.")

Today, as many of you know, the Buna ISD starts their inservice, this morning will be the general assembly, and most the the time the administration tell the teachers just how "broke" the school district is.....That happens in most districts. Or at least the ones that I worked in....

The insanity and I can't think of a better word, for these 2 weeks. A whole lot of meetings for nothing. Old veteran teachers, it takes 2-3 days in their classroom to get ready. For some of us, especially on the high school level, less. ( Elementary folks have to decorate their rooms....Or did when I was teaching.)

I am often asked...." Do you miss it." Or even worse, they ask...." You miss it, don't you?"

In truth, I miss teaching certain lessons. I miss being around high school kids, for the most part, they are a lot of fun to be around....

Be the day in, day out grind of teaching school?


And to be honest, it like every other job is just that, a job.

Sure, I made some friends in Buna.....Sure the kids are generally good kiddos.

But you can get thrown under the bus just like any other job.

It is a place you go to, to make a paycheck, to pay the mortgage, buy groceries, keep the lights on.

Sure you do it because you like kids, you like the actual teaching, but if they didn't give you money, you wouldn't do it 5 days a week, 7:30AM to 3:30PM..27 minutes for lunch...( In my case, I would be at school about 6:30AM...get paperwork done...)

But miss school? And I know I dream about it, but I also dream "Haints and Boogers" are chasing in my nightmares too....

I'm retired, this is the best job I ever had....

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