Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Seriously, We Need These America

Now, I know, some of you religious folks don't think this should occur. Or that this is just bad morally.

For whatever reason.

It's the old " head in the sand" syndrome.

I am not kidding here....

Every men's room in Scotland I went into had a condom machine.

And mostly they were the natural " lamb skin" condoms. They were made from the intestines of the sheep.

Hell, I do not think I have seen a "natural" lamb skin condom outside of a package.....much less used a lamb skin condom...

They were all 3 condoms for £3.

Even the airport bathrooms had the machines. ( Mile high club? Got off the plane and was going straight to the girlfriend's house, to go and see the wife? Or both? I know some people do not understand the need for condoms if you are married, but some folks can't use other methods, or any number of reasons...Or sometimes married folks forget to get a prescription, or forget to see the doctor.....etc....etc....)

They were in grocery store restrooms. In pay water closets, I even saw a machine in a bookstore's bathroom. 

It's 2019. You know, I understand people in the Evangelical world don't want people to be having sex outside of marriage, but you know, they already are.....And we need to try and stop unwanted pregnancies and STDs.

I think they should have them in the faculty restroom at schools...No, not to take advantage of your high school age students.....

You just need them when you're getting 'screwed' by the school administration...Just an added layer of protection....

 But seriously, readily available, cheap condoms?

Not a bad idea.

But we won't do it in this country....Too many people can't handle it...

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