Thursday, September 26, 2019

Was Given Hell This Morning.......

I guess I need to do a " State of the Blog" address/blog this morning......

I guess I am going to be dragged into a more "political" type blog over the next few weeks, months. 

We've tried to avoid it as much as we can over the last few months, it sometimes( politics) is too much like going to work again.

That said, we listed to the British Political mess while we were in Scotland. It was all over the news....And to a lesser extent, so was out politics. Say what you want, for the last 100+ years, the US and Britain have been tied together in many events, mostly foreign affairs.

Part of the reason why I stopped doing national politics is so many people on both sides of the spectrum are stuck in their beliefs.

I blame the national media, all of it, talk radio, all of it, and people just not doing research on their own....Stuck in that echo chamber.

In the next few days I will address the impeachment....You don't know where this is going to lead, nor do I. We are in the start of a situation that could burn bright, or fizzle out.

I have a funny feeling we're all going to say, " What the hell happened to us?"

I also have a blog or two coming out on the Buna ISD.

I'm sure it will " Harelip the Governor" and some people associated with the Buna ISD.

In the last 24 hours, I have had some people upset because I think condoms should be more available....."You're just telling teens, it is okay to have sex....."

Sorry, the genie is out of the bottle. Long out.....Hell, it's been out since human's started. I taught high school 30 years, they had sex the entire time I was teaching. ( Yes, I know people still wait until they marry, I know, I was one, but I am not going to be foolish enough to tell a 25 year old person to wait until they marry. That's their call, not mine.)

I've been to Europe and I am about to start the blog back pretty strong.

Remember the Rachel Rule: At some people I am going to upset you. Get ready.

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