Monday, October 7, 2019

Bull Sh*t...More Sh*t...Piled Higher and Deeper

No, I am not working on my doctorate. If I ever do, call the men with the white straight jacket, I need a very long rest.

I have not had real access to either the internet, nor my blog in about 10 days.

It is finally back up. With Imelda, American Telephone & Telegraph has a deluge of internet outages in SE Texas.

You think they would call in help from outside the area.....But they have not. We'll just make do with what we got and keep customers without internet for almost 2 weeks.

I wonder if they'll try and charge us for the time without?

Was on an island in the middle of the sea, in a driving rainstorm, 35 mph winds, with a werewolf scratching on the window, and had high-speed internet.

Was in the middle of the Highlands, no place near a village, the nearest village, 18 miles away had a population of 22.....Had high-speed internet.

Was in an airplane over the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.....Had internet.

But American Telephone & Telegraph has a tropical system and can't service their customers...And it was a battle for them to send out a technician.

Meanwhile, still waiting for a package from the US Post Office. The Royal Mail got it to America in a couple of days.....The USPS decides to send it on a tour of America. Boston, to Minneapolis, to Cincinnati to Georgia....

Okay, the ole Govteach is back.....

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