Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Yes, I Agreed

So, there are probably several of you who will decide to unfriend me on Facebook after this blog, and to be honest, in the past, I probably would have unfriended myself.

And if you do, well, "good luck to you."

I have a wedding next week I agreed to do....and you may or may not know who one of the persons might be....

Yes, it is a gay wedding.

It's my first one.

I am not kidding. I am a bit nervous.....And I do not know why?

I really don't want to to "booger" it up. And many of you know, I am apt to screw up, I've not had a clean one yet, then again, years ago, I was speaking to an old pastor friend of mine who is no longer with us saying, he never got one completely clean, and he was a minister for 50 years. ( I stopped doing wedding for a number of years when I was at Buna. I didn't want people to know....)

Of course, I'll have to sign as an ordained pastor of one of the "organizations" who is a little bit more open towards such marriages. ( I'm ordained/licensed in two)

The other one still thinks it is 1952.......Sort of like the Buna ISD when I arrived in the 90s......I wonder if they've made it to the early 60s yet?

Still my favourite Baptist Joke
 Q- When you go fishing, why do you always carry more than one Baptist?
 A- Cause if you only take one, they'll drink all the beer. 

So, you may ask, why?

Look, I know some of you have a problem with "gays."

Yet, you have some sin of your own going on....And lord knows I've done weddings with one of the people, sometimes, both with 2-3-4 ex-wives/husbands.....But, somehow, you think that's okay....

It is not my business to judge here.....In many cases you've already been "shacked up" for a while and have children from this "union."  I am just making it legal.

And Lord knows, I'm anything but sinless, just read the blog....

I don't know, I may go to hell for it, but I doubt it. I've done worse.

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