Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Comments- Yesterday's Blog

I had planned on getting this out earlier but I got to watching another video on YouTube on Tudor-Stuart England....You want to distract the old Govteach? Get him reading or watching something on the English Reformation or Stuart England, especially the English Civil War or the Interregnum.

No, I was disturbed by a number of comments I received about what is going on in the dating/sex scene in this country.

And in truth, I am glad I am old, I am glad I no longer have to date.

Here are some examples of what I received.

- "When men spend a ton of time watching porn and furiously jerking it, it starts taking more and more for them to finish in real life even if that means nonconsent and rape."

- "Briefly dated a man who had been in a longterm relationship with XXXXXXXXXXX. After dating him for a time, we stepped up our relationship to include being intimate. He wanted to go into the bathroom. It was there I discovered why. He wanted me to urinate on him while he was in the bathtub. I left quickly. I will never look at XXXXXXXXXX( the ex girlfriend) in the same way. "

- "So right about boys expecting sex after dinner at a Mexican place. "

This is from a guy

"So many girls are damaged right now. I can't find one without some sort of baggage. Most of the baggage caused by the ex."

From female readers

- "I'm personally really heavy into BDSM and enjoy CNC (consensual nonconsent) but CONSENSUAL is the key word. A lot of guys around here think they're a "dom" because they've seen 50 shades."

"It's like basically being told 'you aren't enough for me'. People are so delusional about sex. And it's not just men."

- "I've not had a date in 3 years. I stopped after I was convinced to have sex without a condom and he gave me chlamydia." ( She also knew the ex-girlfriend)

- "Boys don't understand the concept of opening car doors, or doors to the restaurant, or even paying for the date. I can't tell you how many times I've been expected to pay for my part of the date. And then, he wanted sex afterwards. Guess what, I didn't submit and they did not call for a second date". 

( Confession, Deb and I went Dutch on our first date. She asked me out after a Lamar football game and I didn't have much cash, we pooled our funds for chili-cheese tots, and cokes at the Sonic on Washington Blvd. Of course, I paid for the second date, but the first date, I wasn't expecting to go out and was thrilled when she asked. One of the great moments in my life.) 

- "My former husband wanted to bring other people into the marriage, and it was always another male. He just wanted to watch. Acted like a cheerleader. I did it to please him. I left him when I had a pregnancy scare and he blamed me. Now I have a wonderful spouse. He knows about my ex-spouse, and hates him. "

And this, I received earlier, but should be included here....
- My wife and I like to dress up and our favorite is dressing up in Mickey and Minnie Mouse outfits. My wife likes to sew and we have several different outfits......There is a hole cut in the bottoms. 

( Once again, good for y'all. keep it spicy. Never thought of cartoon characters as sexual, but hey, if it turns you both on, go for it...And I taught both parties in question and I can see her dressing as Minnie Mouse.Just fits her personality...... I'm not personally interested in cartoon characters in a sexual sense, but hey, whatever floats your boat.)




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