Wednesday, December 18, 2019

I'm Just Mad...Or.....

I started to write a blog explaining why I am mad at Tara Laramore, Mrs. Stanley up at the high school.....

So mad, I cussed yesterday at about 3:30pm.

I'd fight both of them, but at this point, I figure they'd both whip me, so, I'll stay away.

I also am wanting to write a blog about what is going on in Virginia and what is going on with the 2nd Amendment.

I am sure it will make my more liberal readers mad at me, but I've had a 62 year love affair with firearms, and it continues. I am sitting writing this with a Smith & Wesson pistol within reach.

I am wanting to write a blog about behaving this Christmas, and why you need to do so, I am already going to borrow from the British Ladies' trio the title, " Don't be a Cunt for Christmas."

But, maybe I need to wait on writing that one, or perhaps not, holidays for some have already begun.

That said, I am going to the doctor this morning. And don't really feel like starting any of the blogs, yet. ( Oh they are coming.) Don't look forward to the visit.

 So, if you would remember me as I go in for my appointment.

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 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...