Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Most Humble Apologizes.

My most humble apologizes. I messed up bad this morning.

I know I meant it as good natured teasing this morning to Mrs. Laramore and Mrs. Stanley, but not everyone viewed it as such. Both whom I have great affection for.

And I apologize for using "bad language" in this morning's blog. I was reminded by a " Person in the Know" that today starts Ember Days.

Ember Days- Or in Latin, jejunia quatuor temporum.... For you Baptists and other folks in the Evangelical world, in the churches that use the liturgical calendar, this marks the 3 days of fasting and prayer during Advent, preparing for the coming of the Christ Child....Even though I grew up in your Evangelical world, I now consider myself a part of Protestant Liturgical World. ( Anglican/Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian/ Reformed, High Church Methodists.)

 ( Even though I am now 60+ and the fasting rules no longer apply to senior citizens, I will modify my food intake the next 3 days.)

It is also a time of pastoral ordination, and I was reminded that I was ordained during this time period in a denomination with roots very similar to my friend, Lisa Collins' denomination.

I once again apologize for getting off the rails this morning.

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