Tuesday, December 3, 2019

"Mr. Thomas, are You Actually a Queer?"

Write a blog and you get questions like this. I am in the middle of writing a blog that should upset a number of people on Christmas and historical background, and sometimes, doing "actual history" without just boring the hell out of people is well, time consuming.

I get all sort of messages like this. I think some folks think that somehow they will be able to "sweep in" and save my soul.

I think the fascination with men's clothes is part of it. Say what you want, we are in a society that think " the sloppier the better."

The older I get, the more I wonder what that is saying about us in general?

Then, the same person who wrote the message about my possibly actually being a homosexual was concerned about me " performing the gay marriage."

Hey, was maybe the fanciest wedding yet. I just thought I was dressed "to the nines." I may need to see about getting a tuxedo for such soirees. Perhaps one in Midnight Blue?

Heck, I even stayed for the reception, steak and shrimp.....

The only thing, an extremely distinguished older gentleman( in a gorgeous lamb's wool glen-plaid Cambridge grey and black sports coat.)  sat across from me at the table and he and I struck up a conversation.

I enjoyed his views and ideas of stuff, and I assume he did mine.....

Trouble was, dumb-ass me, I didn't "snap" to the fact later that he was flirting with me.( That was my fault. I asked to feel the lapel of the lamb's wool jacket....Naive old Kerry...)

Not sure, but I " think" I was flattered.

Look, as I have said many times before, when it comes to actual interaction face-to-face with people, I don't "get it."

I think it is why I think I did not have a date for 2 and 1/2 years while in university. That and going to school full-time and working 2 jobs cuts into social time. ( Part of it was, I went through a period of bad, just awful first dates. And just threw myself into work/school.)

And believe it or not, and I know I do not act like it, especially if I am "in-charge"  but the ole Govteach is actually painfully shy. Especially around the opposite sex.

Literally, if my wife had not asked me out, I probably would still be single today.

But to answer the question if I am a homosexual?

No, as my late Great Uncle Melvin would say, " I likes the wimmens."

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