Monday, December 2, 2019

Merry Christmas? Who Cares?

I don't know, we are just to the point in this country we have to be pissed off about something.

The place is going to come to pieces and as the great cartoon philosopher, Pogo one said, " We have met the enemy, and it is us."  

So, we have now started an imaginary war against Christmas in this country. By people saying "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas.

Do you know how many people don't celebrate Christmas in this country?  And do you know how many people who celebrate Christmas are not even Christian?

Hell, some of the biggest people unhappy about the lack of "Merry Christmas" ain't been to church in years.....

Come on, just because you are in an area where there are a preponderance of Christians, don't think there are people of other faiths...

Or folks of denominations who do not celebrate Christmas. 

Why do you think I had " The Troll" do a Hanukkah door one year at Buna High for the "Holiday Door Decoration Contest?" We had a Jewish kid in that senior class.

Didn't know that did you?

The old Govteach don't miss much...

They did everything to keep you from knowing, including " going with their friends" to church....

I received an invitation to their sister's Bat Mitzvah that Summer.

I went. 

We lost the door decoration as I fully expected because the judges didn't know, or care, or both......

Hell, for years, our ancestors in the "old country" didn't celebrate Christmas at all. Thought it was too tied to pagan roots of the Celts. ( Especially Reformation Scotland) Even they knew Jesus was not born in December.

So, say Merry Christmas, I don't care....

I'll say Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Boxing Day, Happy Las Posadas, Happy New Year's and yes, Merry Christmas.

Tend your own damn business.

Leave people alone.

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