Thursday, January 9, 2020

Be Afraid, Very Afraid

Don't think this isn't something to just not to be concerned about, because, well, it is.

I don't know if you know who Joe Rogan is. He was the host of the TV show "Fear Factor" and he is a color announcer for UFC fights.

He has a podcast and well, sometimes it is good, and sometimes, well, it is slop. It just depends on the guest.

His latest guest is a journalist by the name of Ed Calderon.

Ed goes into Mexico and does reporting on the Cartels that have basically taken over many of the states in the country just south of our border.

Here is the link to the podcast.

Mexico had the most violent year ever in 2019. And at some point the central government in Mexico City will collapse.

What does that mean to you and I?

The US Army, Marine Corps will be sent in to straight out the mess. Especially if the country breaks down into a civil war between the cartels.

Stop worrying about Iran, Iraq, the entire Middle east, you need to worry about what is going on about 7 hours drive from here. ( I know it is 7 hours because I used to do the drive)

I wouldn't go to Mexico on a bet, even the tourist places on the beaches who are supposedly " safe" for nothing.  Who do you think keeps those places safe? It isn't the Mexican Government.

Hell, I have a niece who is wanting to get married in Costa Rica this Summer and I ain't so sure about even going there. I know my wife wants to go, but hell, it'd be a lot cheaper if they had a small wedding, let "Uncle" Kerry do it for nothing, spend the dough they saved on a house. ( Then again, I am so eurocentric, I think spend that kind of dough, do it in Scotland or someplace else really cool....Ireland....Then again, my ordination pretty much is good for Murica are most American ordinations. )

But seriously, watch the podcast, some spooky stuff.

Then again, the world has always been a scary place, just don't like this happening this close to home. 

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