Tuesday, April 7, 2020


So, I sort of keep my hand in that world. I was "in it" for a while.

I have somewhat prepped. I think it was so I could justify those 250,000 rounds of ammo I own. Most of it in oddball rounds for strange firearms I own like the 7.5 French. God help us if the house catches fire.

I "used to" listen to the conspiracy people on the radio until I realized that " these mutherfucker's are nuts...and are making a good living at this."

Fear, is ugly folks.

Fear can make you "overthink stuff."

A lot of you are all afraid of " socialism" coming out of this....

Really? Do even know what socialism is? Have you ever even been to a socialist nation?

In truth, there are no socialist countries that exist. Partial, yes, pure, no.

Look, I've been to countries that call themselves "communist" and they were the most capitalistic nation I've ever been to, not only did they have a job, they would have 2-3 side businesses going.  Your work ethic makes you look like a pussy compared to these people.

There are memes going around about how this virus is going to be used to "control" the American people.

How long do you think a serious "tanks in the streets" soldiers marching would last with people who own 250,000 rounds of ammo?

Come on, this too will pass.

Quit looking for " Commies" under the bed before you go to sleep at night. I have one who often sleeps in my back bedroom, and I love her dearly, but it is hard to change 22 years of indoctrination. ( I've had hours of discussions at my kitchen table discussing Marxism vs Leninism vs Maoism vs Titoism vs Dengism vs Trotskyism vs Prachanda Pathism vs Hoxhaism vs Luxemburgism vs Religious Communism........) And we're working hard on her. And I think we're doing pretty good, but some stuff, you just do not change overnight.

Calm the fuck down people. This is just a really strange time period in history. We're all going through it. Stop overthinking it.

When you see me start advertising on here for " Sons of Liberty" meetings, then you need to worry.

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