Friday, April 17, 2020

Really, Really...You're Going to Write Me Upset About This?

And like I have control over any of the situation at hand.

I assume they need someone to "scapegoat" and it might as well be me?

I had an ugly message from 3 people all upset about no school for the rest of the year.

One said " Kids don't get sick with this virus, there butts need to be in class." ( Don't be sure about that. Not all kids are healthy and all their teachers certainly are not. And do you really want little Johnny to bring this mess home?)

Another - " We shouldn't have shut down school or the economy or this. This is all overblown by the media and the government." ( I really don't think the government wants business or the population, their main tax base not open/working. I really don't know what these people want who think the government has overreached? The right to spread the illness like Typhoid Mary? I don't know what people want. If the government had not shut down, they'd be the ones bitching and moaning because there was no shutdown. I wonder what they say when Blacks or Hispanics hold rallies in front of government buildings? Rest assure they don't quote the Freedom of Assembly clause of the First Amendment. )

And Number 3- " These kids are driving me nuts. I can't get them to do no work. There no way I can have them hear until Aug." ( Welcome to our world. I'm glad I am retired. We had to put-up with your child. Maybe you'll appreciate teachers more.)

I am just waiting to see what people say when there are pretty strict limits on what schools can and cannot do for graduations. I have a funny feeling many will be held later in the summer. And I know, there won't be proms, but you know, I went to 34 proms in my life. I can barely remember who I went with and where we ate at. In the scope of life, they're fun at the time, but you know, they're not the birth of your children, your wedding, etc.

Life goes on....And let's try and get though this time period without too many lives being destroyed.

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