Thursday, May 14, 2020

Ladies, I Was Minding My Own Business

I no longer understand the world. I truly do not.

Tuesday morning, I could not go into the hospital with my wife, so I walked her as far as I could and on the way back, I stopped off at the hotel we were staying at restaurant's buffet. I made the mistake of making an off-handed remark to the lady making the " eggs to order" "I probably could eat half a dozen over-mediums this morning." To which she made 6 over-medium eggs....Nervous eating, I got cholesterol up, with those eggs, a stack of link sausages, and biscuits with gravy.....

I took my food and sat at a table away from everything, to which I was joined in my area, all separated 6 feet, by 4 nurses, I assume nurses, all were wearing scrubs, and had on badges. ( Could have been radiology, or respiratory people.)

All female, 20ish, and they got to talking about dating. ( Get my age, and you become invisible to younger people, you'll get there someday.)

To which one got to talking about on date number 3-4, she always wore a low cut dress to see if the guy was interested in her or her cleavage. And if he "looked" too much, she would drop the guy. Another of the ladies chimed in and agreed.

What is "looking" too much?


Looking fairly regularly?

Looking when she is not looking?

Because, I am sorry, I would have to take a look. Probably more than once. Especially when I was younger. Stare? Probably not.....But I'd take a pretty good look, more than once. I would assume it was for my benefit.

Who exactly, is the outfit you are wearing for? Yourself? The busboys at the restaurant? Some test that isn't passable?

So, glad I only dated fairly conservative girls in their dress....I couldn't date today....Nor would I want to do so....

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