Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Aunt Jemima

I cannot remember the last time using the product in my life. Either the syrup or the pancake mix, or anything else.

Sorry, just an inferior product.

I know as a child we grew up with Steen's syrup. It is an acquired taste, and even as a kid, I only liked it on biscuits. I cannot remember the last time I even had Steen's. We've gotten all fancy here at the compound and buy actual Made in New England or Canada maple syrup. The other stuff is just gloppy sugar water.

So, Quaker, whose parent company is Pepsi, is going to do away with the Aunt Jemima brand.

You can get all upset about it, but it is a marketing ploy.

Look, things and products change as the world changes.

I assume you were okay with the old sea food company that made " Negro Head" canned oysters and canned shrimp. Had a man on the can that looked very much like " Uncle Ben" of the rice fame.

( Mars, who owns Uncle Ben's Rice is looking at dropping the "Uncle Ben" from their rice name.)

Trouble is  "Uncle"  and " Aunt"was a common appellation used in the Southern United States to refer to older male black slaves or servants......

Again, using history to make you be aware of how these things came about....

Again, I don't use either product, but it if a significant portion of the country is offended by it, and it hurts sales, Quaker and Mars( yes, the maker of M&M's and Snickers) has the right to change the name.

The world changes folks. It ain't waiting for you.....That's vanity.

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