Friday, June 19, 2020

Let's Put the Brakes on Before We Tear Sh*t Up

I am trying to not get in trouble anymore than I have been with FB. So, I am blanking parts of bad words.

So, before you think I have become a total Commie, let's talk about what the hell is going on around the country.

Youths, Black, White, Brown are marching right now for well, some stuff I understand and well, some stuff I do not.

-Tearing down the statues of the Confederate Generals, Political Leaders I understand, after all they lead an insurrection against the United States. Hell, they lost. In most other parts of the world they would have been hanged.

But, there is a group of people who want to tear down statues of Washington, Adams, Jefferson......Mostly because they at one time owned slaves, or allowed slavery in the U.S.

Hell, we start doing that, we might as well tear them all down. Ain't nobody with clean hands. You can drag up dirt on every person statues are modeled after. Especially political leaders. Hell, religious leaders too.

At some point it has to end.

-Let's discuss a little about reparations.

The last suggestion would be that those entitled to reparations should receive $325,000 each.

It would cost the U.S. $17 Trillion dollars.......Trillion.

Your grandkid's, grandkid's, grandkid's, grandkids would still be trying to pay it off.

And I don't even want to think of what type of inflation too many dollars chasing too few products would cause if the money was given all at once. The economics of the entire situation is mind-boogling.

-Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben needed to go.......But Snap, Crackle and Pop on the cereal box because they are 3 "White Guys?" Would Snap, Crackle, and Zhou be better? And the Black chef on a box of Cream of Wheat? He's a Black guy who is a chef. Why is he offensive?

- The police.....Sorry, we need some sort of law enforcement. Now, do they need to be demilitarized? Yes. Do they need more hands-on training? Yes. But do away with police? No.

- I don't know what's going to become of us. It's not looking good right now, and I so afraid the revolts in the streets will turn into a French Revolution, Maoist Cultural Revolution, Khmer Rouge situation.

Don't be shocked if there is a continued spiral leading to what seems like an " All of a Sudden" civil war....

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